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Verizon Games Rocks!

Verizon Games Q&A

What is Verizon Games?
Verizon Games is an on-demand service that allows users to download and play over 2,000 full version Windows PC games, with new titles added weekly. No ads or commercials, just a plain great experience.
What is the selection like?
We have thousands of new, popular, and classic games of all types. Our goal is to have more great games for every age group and interest than anywhere else on the planet.
Can I play with my friends at the same time?
We have many multiplayer games. We also allow you to use the service on two computers simultaneously.
How much does it cost?
$14.99 per month after your free trial.
How do I get started?
First, click the 'Play Free Now' button to download the app. From the app you can search, download and play as many games as you like.
How safe is it to download the app and games?
Incredibly safe. We put our name behind the service, which is guaranteed to be free of viruses and has been validated by security services McAfee, Norton and Kaspersky and received an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
Can I cancel at any time?
Absolutely. Verizon Games is a month-to-month service. You can cancel online or by phone There are no cancellation fees although there are no refunds for partial months.
Is the service compatible with Macintosh?
Not at this time.
What if I have issues or just have a question?